Knee Pain
Knee pain
Knee pain is a common problem that can begin in any of the bony structures comprising the knee joint (femur, tibia, fibula), the kneecap(patella), or the ligaments, and cartilage (meniscus) of the knee. There are four essential ligaments that provide the knee joint with its support and stability, they are the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), medial collateral ligament (MCL), and the lateral collateral ligament (LCL), and two cartilaginous rings that act as shock absorbers in the knee; the medial and lateral meniscus.
Common causes of Knee Pain
Knee pain is a common problem that can be caused by a wide array of injuries or complications. Knee pain can be divided into three main categories, acute injuries such as bony damage, torn ligament or meniscal tear, medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or chronic over use conditions such as osteoarthritis, chondromalacia, it band syndrome, patella tendonitis, bursitis.
Bursitis - Bursae are small sacs that cushion joints and decrease friction. Each knee has eleven bursae. Inflammation of one or more of these sacs is called bursitis. Bursae located over the knee cap or on the patella become aggravated and may lead to swelling and knee pain. Bursitis can cause excessive pain and even restrict mobility.
Iliotibial band syndrome - Iliotibial band syndrome (ITB) is a common knee injury caused by overuse of the tissues of the outer thigh and knees. Runners, hikers, and weight lifters often get ITB. With regular flexing and extending of the knee the distal portion of the iliotibial tendon becomes inflamed due to constant rubbing against the lateral femoral condyle. Patients experiencing ITB complain of excessive pain on the outside aspect of the knee.
Anterior cruciate ligament injury - The anterior cruciate ligament or ACL is among the four ligaments that provide stability to the femur, tibia and fibula. An ACL injury can cause extreme pain, generally partial or complete over stretching of the ACL in the knee cause the injury. Abruptly needing to change direction while running, walking or playing sports, such as soccer and basket can cause an ACL injury. You might hear a popping sound and see your knee swell over the next couple of hours.
Decreased ankle mobility - Poor ankle flexibility can increase the risk of knee pain. When you lack ankle dorsiflexion your knees will begin to try and compensate for their lack of mobility.
Meniscus tear - The meniscus is composed of dense cartilage. The rings of cartilage are located between the knee and cushion the adjacent bony structures. If the meniscus become damaged, these c- shaped discs can cause severe pain and reduce knee range of motion. Excuses that require you to strenuously turn or twist your knee while sustaining your full body weight are likely to cause a tear or inflame these structures.
Patella tendinitis - Patella tendinitis is a painful knee condition that is common in children and adults. The injury affects the tendon that connects the four quadricep muscles to the knee cap (patella). Rigorous exercises especially knee-bending, running and jumping have been known to cause patella tendon inflammation.
The location of the knee pain can vary depending on which structure is involved, if its an inflammatory process its possible the entire knee could become swollen and painful, while a torn meniscus or fracture may cause more localized pain. Some signs and symptoms that accompany knee pain are
Difficulty weight bearing or walking due to instability
Difficulty walking up or down steps due to ligamentous damage,
Experiencing knee locking
Inability to extend the knee
Shifting weight to the healthy knee
Here at Redwood City Health and Wellness we provide several natural and drug free ways to help manage and relieve your pain. We also value the importance of an interdisciplinary approach for conditions and treatment options not offered through Redwood City Health and Wellness, we will do our best to recommend you to the healthcare practitioner that best suits your needs.